
Low Carb Pork Chop Supreme

healty meal, low carbs meals, keto meal

Indulge in this rich and creamy Low Carb Pork Chop Supreme recipe. This dish features tender pork chops seasoned with smoked paprika and garlic, then simmered in a luxurious sour cream and mustard sauce. It’s perfect for a satisfying dinner that’s both delicious and low in carbs.



  • 4 boneless pork chops, about 1-inch thick
  • 1 teaspoon smoked paprika
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1/2 cup chicken broth
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
  • 1/2 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
  • 2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley (optional for garnish)


  1. Season the Pork Chops:
    • In a small bowl, mix the smoked paprika, garlic powder, salt, and pepper.
    • Rub this seasoning mixture evenly over both sides of the pork chops.
  2. Sear the Pork Chops:
    • Heat the olive oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat.
    • Once the oil is hot, add the pork chops and sear for about 3-4 minutes on each side, or until they are golden brown. Remove the pork chops from the skillet and set aside.
  3. Prepare the Sauce:
    • In the same skillet, reduce the heat to medium. Add the chicken broth to deglaze the pan, scraping up any browned bits from the bottom.
    • Stir in the sour cream, Dijon mustard, and onion powder. Cook, stirring constantly, until the sauce is smooth and heated through.
  4. Combine and Simmer:
    • Return the pork chops to the skillet, nestling them into the sauce.
    • Sprinkle the grated Parmesan cheese over the top.
    • Cover the skillet and reduce the heat to low. Let the pork chops simmer in the sauce for about 15-20 minutes, or until they are cooked through and tender.
  5. Finish and Serve:
    • Once the pork chops are done, taste the sauce and adjust the seasoning with salt and pepper if needed.
    • Serve the pork chops hot, garnished with chopped fresh parsley if desired.

Cook Notes and Variations:

  • Herb Variations: You can add fresh or dried herbs like thyme or rosemary to the sauce for additional flavor.
  • Vegetable Add-Ins: For a complete meal, add sliced mushrooms, spinach, or bell peppers to the skillet when preparing the sauce.
  • Thicker Sauce: If you prefer a thicker sauce, let it simmer uncovered for a few extra minutes to reduce slightly before adding the pork chops back in.

Keto-Friendly Tips:

  • High-Fat Dairy: Use full-fat sour cream to keep the dish rich and in line with keto dietary guidelines.
  • Broth Choice: Ensure the chicken broth is low in sodium and has no added sugars or fillers.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q: Can I use bone-in pork chops? A: Yes, bone-in pork chops can be used. Just adjust the cooking time as they may take a bit longer to cook through.


Q: How can I make the sauce thicker without reducing? A: You can mix a small amount of xanthan gum with cold water and stir it into the sauce to thicken it quickly.


Q: Can I use Greek yogurt instead of sour cream? A: Yes, Greek yogurt can be a good substitute for sour cream. Just ensure it’s full-fat for the best consistency and flavor.


Q: How do I store leftovers? A: Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Reheat gently on the stovetop or in the microwave.


Q: Can I make this dish ahead of time? A: Yes, you can prepare the dish ahead of time and reheat it before serving. The flavors will meld together even more after sitting for a day.


Q: What sides go well with this dish? A: This dish pairs well with a variety of low-carb sides such as cauliflower mash, steamed broccoli, or a fresh green salad.

Q: Can I use another type of mustard? A: Yes, you can use whole grain mustard or yellow mustard for a different flavor profile.


Low Carb Pork Chop Supreme is a delightful and comforting dish that’s perfect for a hearty dinner. The creamy sour cream and mustard sauce, enhanced with Parmesan cheese, complements the seasoned pork chops beautifully. This easy-to-make recipe is ideal for anyone looking to enjoy a delicious, low-carb meal that doesn’t compromise on flavor. Enjoy this dish with your favorite low-carb sides and relish the rich, savory taste of this supreme pork chop recipe!


healty meal, low carbs meals, keto meal

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